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Candy Bash 2 is a game in the Arcade. It was added to the arcade in 2006.


You play as Poncho and you have to get all the candy boxes without hitting the grass. You shoot the candies (cupcake, chocolate, peppermint, lollipop, cookie) with a bean. You lose a try if the candies hit Poncho's head or hit the ground. There are only three tries to start with.

Available boosts:

  • Taco - You get 85 bonus points.
  • Chili - You can shoot faster.
  • Papaya - Get one try back.
  • Big Bean - Easier to get candies.


Candy Bash 2 Viva Poncho Trophy

There is a possibility of winning a trophy from this game. You get a random chance of winning a trophy if you get many 4 in a rows starting from level 5. Gato Loco throws a trophy through the air. Unlike many other games, it does not say "A surprise has been added to your dock!" because the game continues after you get the trophy.

