Food in Webkinz World is anything that can be consumed by your pet. Giving your pet food will increase its hunger meter and fill up some of its Pet Care Heart. Food can be bought from the WShop, made from recipes using certain kitchenware (i.e. blenders, stoves, or sandwich makers), or earned as a prize or reward.
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All items (1180)
- Abomina Bowl of Chili
- Abracaldo Dabra
- Acacia Leaf Lasagna
- Acorn Escargot
- Acoustic Angel Cheesecake
- Afinnyumfaroo
- Ainbowray Canape
- Alfalfa Fajitas
- Algae Apple Pie
- Algae Green Tea
- Alliballibunbun
- Almond Blutrice Punch
- Aminkle Grog
- Amora Supora
- Apple
- Apple Juice
- Aquarus Jelly
- Arctic Codcakes
- Artichoke
- Asparagus
- Astormishing Sandwich
- Astroloroni and Cheese
- Atomicolicious Punch
- Autumn Leaf Chocolates
- Backstage Burger
- Bacon Bone
- Bad-Tempered Tuna
- Bagel
- Baked Bean Bratwurst
- Baked Beans
- Baked Potato
- Bamboo Bruschetta
- Bamboo Fondue
- Bamboo Tofu
- Banana
- Banana Cream Cake
- Banana Split
- Banana Split Kebab
- Banattle Dome
- Bangers and Monster Mash
- Barkalhau
- Baseball Float
- Batikka Masala
- BBQ Prairie Wings
- Be Mine Cake
- Beach Sunrise Frappe
- Bean Burrito
- Beef and Black Bean Stew
- Beef-Flavored Gum Drops
- Bellatart
- Berribrite Blast
- Berry Berry Smoothie
- Berry Tart
- Berry Tasty Caterpillar Sorbet
- Best Bagel Sandwich
- Betwinkled Strumble
- Big Bite Donut
- Birch Branch Breadsticks
- Birthday Cake
- Birthday Party Sandwich
- Black Bean Soup
- Black Forest Sandwich
- Blastop Rocaket
- Blender Recipes
- Bluchetta Grillon
- Blucocrunch Bread
- Blueberries
- Blueberry Cheesecake
- Blueberry Parfait
- Bluffles Waffle Shack
- Blustagush
- Boiled Wyvernacle
- Bones n' Bolts Sandwich
- Bootooyoo
- Boppin' Blueberry Shake
- Bottled Water
- Bouncaleafulls
- Bow Wow Chow Mein
- Braised Bannock Bites
- Bread
- Bright 'n' Early Breakfast
- Brine Shrimp Burgers
- Brisked Triflador
- Broccoli
- Brown Cow Float
- Bubbaberriboo
- Bubblegum Sundae
- Bubbly Fish Pop
- Bugberry Pie
- Buggy Jelly
- Buggy Squawkamole
- Bull's Eye Biscuits
- Bullseye Meat Pie
- Bumbleberry Pie
- Bunny Boiled Eggs
- Burger
- Butterscotch Pancakes
- Buzzy Blazzurro
- Cafe Style Hot Chocolate
- Cake
- Calico Cat Cookie
- Candied Caspian Caviar
- Candied Opals
- Candy Apple
- Candy Clovers
- Candy Grass
- Candy Gravity Bat
- Candy Hyper Bat
- Canine Carat Cake
- Canoopaddarole
- Cantaloupe
- Capricorn on the Cob
- Cara-Milkshake
- Caramelted Apple Pie
- Careening Rojodillos
- Caribou Stew
- Carnival Candies
- Carrot Bisque
- Carrot Cake
- Carrot Cake Cupcakes
- Carrot Candy Slices
- Carrot Cream Cone
- Carrots
- Cascalleau Aquappa
- Cat Grass Smoothie
- Catnip Chips & Dip
- Cedar Sundae
- Cha Cha Chili
- Charming Caviar
- Charred Celestial Cauliflower
- Cheerful Churros
- Cheerooney Puff
- Cheese & Tomato Sandwich
- Cheeses
- Cheesy Cheesecake
- Cherished Cheesecake
- Cherries
- Cherry Pie
- Chewy Spiced Spatzle
- ChiChi Coleslaw
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Chicken Nuggets
- Chicken Salad Sandwich
- Chilled Shrimp Cocktail
- Chilly Chocolate Float
- Chimericamaki
- Choco Chip Waffles
- Chocolate Brioche