Items in Webkinz World are anything which can be purchased (such as from shops or Hosts) or otherwise received (such as from Adoption Gifts, games, events, or holidays). Items include clothing, furniture, food, books, and more and vary in functionality and use.
Items can be stored in your dock.
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All items (3535)
- Abomina Bowl of Chili
- Abracadabra Candelabra
- Abracaldo Dabra
- Acacia Leaf Lasagna
- Academy Blazer
- Academy Bunk Bed
- Academy Dress
- Academy Mary Janes Shoes
- Academy Sweater
- Academy T-Shirt
- Accordion Shade Lamp
- Acorn Escargot
- Acoustic Angel Cheesecake
- Adventure Scout Top
- Afinnyumfaroo
- Ainbowray Canape
- Air Altitude Fridge
- Alchemist's Stove
- Alchemy TV
- Alfalfa Fajitas
- Algae Apple Pie
- Algae Green Tea
- Alliballibunbun
- Almond Blutrice Punch
- Alpine Cave
- Alps Rescue Station
- Amazing Acorn Armoire
- Aminkle Grog
- Amora Supora
- Amplifier Stove
- Ancient Aztec Stone Statue
- Ancient Brazier
- Ancient Civilization Bath
- Ancient Civilization Chariot
- Ancient Civilization Fire Pit
- Ancient Civilization Flooring
- Ancient Civilization Wallpaper
- Ancient Dig Site
- Ancient Dynasty Trunk
- Ancient Emperor Statue
- Ancient Ionic Column
- Ancient Monkey Mask
- Ancient Vista
- Ancient Wading Pool
- Antique Fashion Mirror
- Apple
- Apple Chair
- Apple Juice
- Aquamarine Dresser
- Aquamarine Floor Lamp
- Aquaritarium
- Aquarus Jelly
- Arctic ATV
- Arctic Codcakes
- Arctic Ice Spa
- Arctic Tusk Tub
- Argent Armoire
- Argyle Sweater
- Armchair Racer
- Army Pants
- Army Shirt
- Around the World Plane
- Arte and the Lost Tomb
- Arte Fact Plush Toy
- Arte's Bomber Jacket
- Artichoke
- Ascended Princess Throne
- Asparagus
- Astormishing Sandwich
- Astroloroni and Cheese
- Astronomer's Desk
- Atlantis Coffee Table
- Atlantis Flooring
- Atomic Lamp
- Atomicolicious Punch
- Autograph Signing Station
- Automotive Barrier
- Automotive Tool Rack
- Autumn Counter
- Autumn Counter with Cupboard
- Autumn Counter with Drawers
- Autumn Cupboard Sink
- Autumn Leaf Chocolates
- Autumn Sink
- Aviator Hat
- Awesome Arctic Television
- Aztec Cat Fountain
- Aztec Lamp
- Aztec Pool
- Aztec Princess Dress
- Aztec Princess Headdress
- Aztec Queen Crown
- Aztec Queen Gown
- Aztec Queen Slippers
- Aztec Temple Slide
- Aztec Temple Throne
- B&W Cat Costume - Feet
- B&W Cat Costume - Hat
- B&W Cat Costume - Pants
- B&W Cat Costume - Shirt
- B-Ball Shoes
- Baby Blue Beanie
- Baby Blue Bumper Car
- Baby Bunny Buggy
- Baby Monitor
- Baby Supply Basket
- Back Country Outhouse
- Backgammon Galore Chair
- Backstage Burger
- Backwoods Tent Bed
- Backyard Bubble Maker
- Backyard Cooler
- Bacon Bone
- Bad-Tempered Tuna
- Badger Hill
- Bagel
- Baggy Jeans
- Bagpiper's Trampoline
- Bake Sale Cookbook
- Bake Sale Stand Gift Box
- Baked Bean Bratwurst
- Baked Beans
- Baked Potato
- Baker's Oven
- Bakin' Snake Stove
- Balance Perch
- Ball Pit Slide
- Ballerina Bed
- Ballerina Bookcase
- Ballerina Costume
- Ballerina Dresser
- Ballerina Leotard Top
- Ballerina Piano
- Ballerina Poster - Bear
- Ballerina Side Table
- Ballerina Sofa
- Ballerina Television
- Ballerina Toy Box
- Ballerina Wall Mirror
- Ballerina Wallpaper
- Ballet Chair
- Ballet Coffee Table
- Ballet Dining Table
- Ballet Lamp
- Ballet Study Desk
- Ballet Swan Floor Lamp