- 10 Year Magic W Cat
- 10 Year Magic W Pup
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2016 Webkinz Advent Calendar
- 2017
- 2018
- 2020
- 2021
- 4-Wheel ATV
- 50s Diner Milkshake
- A Dog with a Bow in Her Hair
- Aardvark
- Abomina Bowl of Chili
- Abracadabra Candelabra
- Abracaldo Dabra
- Acacia Leaf Lasagna
- Academy Blazer
- Academy Bunk Bed
- Academy Dress
- Academy Mary Janes Shoes
- Academy Sweater
- Academy T-Shirt
- Accordion Shade Lamp
- Account Types
- Acorn Barbecue
- Acorn Escargot
- Acoustic Angel Cheesecake
- Adoption Center
- Ads
- Adventure Park
- Adventure Scout Top
- Adventure Scouts Cookbook
- Afghan Hound
- Afinnyumfaroo
- African Black Rhino
- African Chimpanzee
- Agility
- Agouti Husky
- Ainbowray Canape
- Air Altitude Fridge
- Air Hockey
- Airborne Puppy
- Airedale Terrier
- Akita Puppy
- Alaskan Baked Salmon
- Alchemist's Stove
- Alchemy TV
- Alex Tiger
- Alex the Brave
- Alfalafel
- Alfalfa Fajitas
- Algae Alfajore
- Algae Apple Pie
- Algae Green Tea
- All Stocked Up Display
- All The Fixins' Condiment Station
- Alley Cat
- Alliballibunbun
- Almond Blutrice Punch
- Almonds
- Aloha Dolphin
- Alpaca
- Alpine Cave
- Alpine Hat
- Alpine St. Bernard
- Alps Rescue Station
- Alyssa
- Amanda Panda
- Amanda Panda's Journey Home
- Amanda Panda Plush
- Amaryllis
- Amazing Acorn Armoire
- Ambulance
- American Albino
- American Black Bear
- American Buffalo
- American Cocker Spaniel
- American German Shepherd
- American Golden
- Amethyst Bed
- Amethyst Geode
- Amethyst Hound
- Amethyst Twist
- Amethyst Wings
- Aminkle Grog
- Amora Supora
- Amplifier Stove
- An Air of Mystery
- Ancient Aztec Stone Statue
- Ancient Brazier
- Ancient Civilization Bath
- Ancient Civilization Chariot
- Ancient Civilization Fire Pit
- Ancient Civilization Flooring
- Ancient Civilization Theme
- Ancient Civilization Wallpaper
- Ancient Dig Site
- Ancient Dynasty Trunk
- Ancient Egg Fridge
- Ancient Emperor Statue
- Ancient Ionic Column
- Ancient Monkey Mask
- Ancient Mummy Actor
- Ancient Pyramid Lamp
- Ancient Vista
- Ancient Wading Pool
- Anemone Coral Reef
- Angel Shoes
- Angelfish
- Angora Bunny
- Ant Hill Thrill Pit
- Ant Mania
- Antique Fashion Mirror
- Antique Lamp Post
- Antique Western Brass Vase
- Apatosaurus
- Apple
- Apple Chair
- Apple Clock
- Apple Farm Window
- Apple Juice
- Apple Pie Bed
- Apprentice Owl
- Apricot Schnoodle Puppy
- April
- April Fool's Pets
- Aquamarine Angel Cake
- Aquamarine Butterfly Tree
- Aquamarine Dresser
- Aquamarine Floor Lamp
- Aquamarine Puppy
- Aquaritarium
- Aquarium Castle Toy Box
- Aquarius Retriever
- Aquarus Jelly
- Aquatic Expedition Theme
- Aquatic Expedition Wallpaper
- Aquatic Living Room Rug
- Arcade
- Arctic ATV
- Arctic Codcakes
- Arctic Fox
- Arctic Ice Spa
- Arctic Polar Bear
- Arctic Tusk Tub
- Arctic Window
- Argent Armoire
- Argyle Sweater
- Aries Ram
- Armchair Racer
- Army Pants
- Army Shirt
- Around the World Plane
- Arte's Bomber Jacket
- Arte Fact
- Arte Fact Plush Toy
- Arte and the Lost Tomb
- Artichoke
- Artist's Bookshelf
- Artist's Desk
- Artist's Pallet
- Artsy Appetizers
- Ascended Princess Throne
- Asparagus
- Astormishing Sandwich
- Astroloroni and Cheese
- Astronomer's Desk
- At Paw Level Display Screen
- Atlantiles
- Atlantis Coffee Table
- Atlantis Flooring
- Atlantis Theme
- Atlantis Wallpaper
- Atomic Lamp
- Atomicolicious
- Atomicolicious Punch
- August
- Autograph Signing Station
- Automotive Barrier
- Automotive Tool Rack
- Autumn Bunny
- Autumn Counter
- Autumn Counter with Cupboard
- Autumn Counter with Drawers
- Autumn Cupboard Sink
- Autumn Leaf Chocolates
- Autumn Owl
- Autumn Patio Fire Pit
- Autumn Paw Print Window
- Autumn Sink
- Autumn Sunset Toque
- Autumn Waterfall
- Aviator Hat
- Awesome Arctic Television
- Axolotl
- Aztec Artisan's Toy Box
- Aztec Calendar
- Aztec Cat Fountain
- Aztec Fire Pit
- Aztec Lamp
- Aztec Pool
- Aztec Princess Dress
- Aztec Princess Headdress
- Aztec Queen Crown
- Aztec Queen Gown
- Aztec Queen Slippers
- Aztec Temple Slide
- Aztec Temple Throne
- Aztec Theme
- Azure Aztec Fridge
- B&W Cat Costume - Feet
- B&W Cat Costume - Hat
- B&W Cat Costume - Pants
- B&W Cat Costume - Shirt
- B-Ball Shoes
- BBQ Prairie Wings
- BFF Buttery Popcorn
- Baby Bison
- Baby Blue Beanie
- Baby Blue Bumper Car
- Baby Bunny
- Baby Bunny Buggy
- Baby Monitor
- Baby Monkey
- Baby Penguin
- Baby Raccoon
- Baby Supply Basket
- Baby Zebra
- Back Country Outhouse
- Backgammon Galore Chair
- Backstage Burger
- Backwoods Tent Bed
- Backyard Bubble Maker
- Backyard Cooler
- Bacon Bone
- Bad-Tempered Tuna
- Bad Fairy Actor
- Badger
- Badger Hill
- Bagel
- Baggy Jeans
- Bagpiper's Trampoline
- Bake Sale Cookbook
- Bake Sale Stand Gift Box
- Baked Bean Bratwurst
- Baked Beans
- Baked Potato
- Baker's Oven
- Bakin' Snake Stove
- Balance Perch
- Ball Pit Slide
- Ballerina Bed
- Ballerina Bookcase
- Ballerina Costume
- Ballerina Dresser
- Ballerina Leotard Top
- Ballerina Piano
- Ballerina Poster - Bear
- Ballerina Side Table
- Ballerina Sofa
- Ballerina Television
- Ballerina Theme
- Ballerina Tights
- Ballerina Toy Box
- Ballerina Wall Mirror
- Ballerina Wallpaper
- Ballet Chair
- Ballet Coffee Table
- Ballet Dining Table
- Ballet Lamp
- Ballet Pup
- Ballet Slippers
- Ballet Study Desk
- Ballet Swan Floor Lamp
- Ballet Vanity Chair
- Ballet Vanity Table
- Balloon Blower
- Balloon Dartz
- Bamboo Bed
- Bamboo Bliss Lounger
- Bamboo Break
- Bamboo Bruschetta
- Bamboo Brush Painting Scroll
- Bamboo Canelloni
- Bamboo Chute Slide
- Bamboo Desk
- Bamboo Dining Chair
- Bamboo Dining Table
- Bamboo Fondue
- Bamboo Print Walls
- Bamboo Shelving
- Bamboo Study Chair
- Bamboo Tofu
- Banana
- Banana Boom Box
- Banana Buggy
- Banana Cream Cake
- Banana Hammock
- Banana Print Monkey
- Banana Split
- Banana Split Kebab
- Banana Split Sundae Station
- Bananza (game)
- Bananza Tropical Troubles
- Banattle Dome
- Bangers and Mash
- Bangers and Monster Mash
- Barkalhau
- Barkberry Smoothie
- Baroness's Bath
- Baroness Bookshelf
- Barred Owl
- Barrel Hot Tub
- Baseball Beanbag Chair
- Baseball Bed
- Baseball Chair
- Baseball Desk
- Baseball Dresser
- Baseball Float
- Baseball Flooring
- Baseball Glove Chair
- Baseball Hat
- Baseball Hoodie
- Baseball Side Table
- Baseball Sofa
- Baseball Stool
- Baseball Table
- Baseball Television
- Baseball Theme
- Baseball Toy Box
- Baseball Wall Shelf
- Baseball Wallpaper
- Basketball
- Basketball Dreams Wallpaper