The Webkinz Porcupine was released in October 2008. It was Pet of the Month for February 2016, it doesn't have a Lil'Kinz, and it isn't retired. Its pet specific item is the Porcupine Sculpture and its pet specific food is the Pokey Porridge.
"There's nothing prickly about this cuddly Porcupine! Meet a friend who is adventurous, interesting, and has an excellent sense of humor. Porcupines love to laugh and have fun with their friends, so be sure to invite lots of guests to your Porcupine's house!"
Rodents of Webkinz World | |
Beaver (2010) | Beaver (2017) | Beaver Kit | Charming Rat | Chipmunk | Curious Mouse | Grey Squirrel | Groundhog | Guinea Pig | Marshmallow Chipmunk | Mistletoe Mouse | Mystical Mouse | Plum Porcupine | Pom Pom Chinchilla | Porcupine | Powderpuff Porcupine | Prairie Dog | Red Squirrel | Rosy Satin Guinea Pig | Signature Beaver | Small Signature Chipmunk | Summer Beaver | Sweet Spring Guinea Pig | White Mouse |