The Rockerz Monkey is a Webkinz pet that was released in August 2012. It doesn't have a Lil'Kinz, it is retired, and hasn't been Pet of the Month. Its pet specific food is the Hardcore Hoagie and its pet specific item is the Punk Stunt Stage.
Like the other Rockerz pets, the Rockerz Monkey comes with two backstage passes and an outfit. The outfit for this pet consists of the Sleeveless Black Leather Jacket, the Red Plaid Pants, and the High Boots.
There's no punk with more spunk than the Webkinz Rockerz Monkey! This colorful character loves to jump around, so make sure you keep them entertained by letting them bounce up and down on their Punk Stunt Stage! And when they're having a more reflective moment, feed them a Hardcore Hoagie to get them back on their feet!
The Rockerz Monkey is white with doodles, scribbles of words like "Boom", "Rock", and "Music", and music notes as a black pattern. It has a tan face, ears, hands and feet. Its nose is a darker brown. It has a blue mohawk. Its tail resembles a red and black striped tie or sock. It has three silver ear rings in on ear. On its side are the letters "Punky Monkey".
- This pet is probably based on punk music, more specifically the punk rock music movement.