The Trick or Treat Troll is a Webkinz virtual pet that was released in October 2009. It is a seasonal pet for Halloween. Its pet specific food is the Bangers and Monster Mash and its pet specific item is the Truck of Terror.
The Trick or Treat Troll has a green face with a pig-like snout, green and green-blue striped legs. It has yellow claws. The bottom of its feet are blue.
You've never met a friend quite as bright and bold as the Trick or Treat Troll! Just in time for Halloween, this mischievous little pal has arrived in Webkinz World and is ready to celebrate! Whether you like getting dressed up, visiting friends, or just enjoying a good pile of candy, the Trick or Treat Troll would love to tag along!
- The Kinzapedia states its release as April 14th, 2010.